(Los Angeles) Life Fest Film Festival, home of the Capra awards, announced its screening slate for 2019. Of more than 260 films submitted from throughout the world, only the following made the final screening cut. “These are incredible films from professionals and even international first-timers,” said Brian Johnston, Life Fest Director. “It’s a real honor to help these films get the recognition they deserve!”

Life Fest Film Festival is the film festival dedicated to honoring films that underscore the value and significance of an individual life, even the seemingly insignificant. Based in the heart of the entertainment industry, Life Fest gives a tip of the hat to Director Frank Capra, known for his thematic salute to the significance of the seemingly insignificant individual.

This year Life Fest will have its screenings at Raleigh Motion Picture Studios, the )riginal chaplin studios. with meetings and workshops in various Hollywood locations.

This year’s screenings will include:
The Father Effect
I Lived on Parker Avenue
Impact  – How a “Make a Wish’ transformed one child’s life
A Soldier’s Passage
The Chance of a Lifetime
Wildflower  – A daughter returns
No EPK available
Fatal Flaws
the stunning documentary of how non-terminal patients are being cajoled into suicide throughout the world
The Long Goodbye: The Kara Tippetts Story
Plus several workshops and Networking opportunities – more info
310 962-1131

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